Here's little baby me, well not so much of a baby...more so Emilia's age or a bit older...munching on an apple, wearing a homemade nightie sewn by my auntie (which I loved by the way!). I was such a blondie! Nowadays I pay good money to colour sections of my hair this shade!
Today was Emilia's first day back at school after half term. And tomorrow Eduardo starts nursery for real! :( My babies are getting big! Everyone keeps saying to me "oh it's fine you'll have another baby soon" and while it might be a distraction, every child is different so I still don't think it softens the blow of seeing your other children grow up! The baby stages with both Emilia & Eduardo were so special and individual...unfortunately there's no way to get them back BUT that's why I love what we do. I will be eternally grateful to Jonathan for keeping up a daily vlog throughout these special times in our life when our children are small! Because sometimes looking back on the vlogs gives me a whole different perspective. It's also misleading to a certain extent because you're only seeing a fraction of a day, so at times I find myself looking back through rose-tinted glasses when in reality those times were hard work! Especially after Eduardo was born. I think having two under two plus moving countries is probably one of the most stressful things I've ever done in my life...but at least I can enjoy these moments and revisit them from a safe distance!
I've been thinking a lot about babies, age gaps and all that sort of thing. At first I was worried about having three because God knows these two, well behaved and easy going as they are, can still be a handful especially when I'm trying to balance working from home. But now I'm realising that this age gap might actually work to my advantage as Emilia will be 4 and 1/2 and Eduardo almost 3, both will be at school/nursery in the mornings so at least for half a day it'll just be me & the baby. In a few months time I could be eating my words and obviously, I know there will be moments when I'm pulling my hair out (when aren't there moments like that?!) but I'm hopeful for a more chilled out experience the third time round. Until she starts moving about and is off the boob...then I'm in trouble ;)